Thorek Memorial Hospital Andersonville is committed to providing appropriate patient services in a caring and cost-effective manner.
Thorek Memorial Hospital Andersonville seeks to serve its patients, physicians, employees and community by providing quality services and encouraging employee excellence.
Thorek Memorial Hospital Andersonville will support education and research and will act as a responsible member of the community and the healthcare system.
Thorek Memorial Hospital Andersonville will seek to be the healthcare provider of choice for those individuals, organizations and associations who have the ability to choose.
Service Quality: We believe in providing the best possible service by constantly striving to do the right things in the right way. We believe that service is not only an activity but also an attitude, which must be cultivated, developed and maintained.
Fiscal Responsibility: We believe that sound financial management and an appropriate return on investment is essential to assure continued service to our community. Operating efficiently will allow us to establish fair and competitive pricing. We value our not-for-profit status because it permits us to return the full benefit of our financial success back to the community.
Integrity: We believe that by maintaining the highest levels of professional and ethical conduct we will earn the trust and confidence of those we serve.
Respect: We believe that each person whose life we touch is automatically entitled to be treated with respect. This includes recognition and sensitivity to the racial, cultural and religious diversity of the community we are privileged to serve.
Satisfaction: We believe that the ultimate measure of our success is customer satisfaction. We view the term “customer” in the broadest possible sense to include patients, family members, visitors, physicians, fellow Thorek Memorial Hospital Andersonville employees, the medical community and the community at large.
Teamwork: We believe that mutual cooperation maximizes our potential to do well and that working together we can accomplish more than the accumulation of our individual efforts.